ITC: 99 – How Do Instructional Coaches Help Instructors
Many high-performing arenas are using a strategy that is underutilized in higher education. Why don’t faculty use coaches to improve their instruction? Research shows it works.
Many high-performing arenas are using a strategy that is underutilized in higher education. Why don’t faculty use coaches to improve their instruction? Research shows it works.
If there was one book I could give to faculty that taught them strategies for online learning and teaching, Small Teaching Online: Applying Learning Science in Online Classes would be… Read more »
What is one thing most faculty have in common? From my experience, Faculty do not have much free time. So far, I have worked at three different higher education institutions,… Read more »
As instructional technologists and educators, we wear many different hats. We are expected to develop content in a variety of formats, manage tight deadlines, and meet with people around the… Read more »
I would like to challenge you this new year to learn something new to improve your craft and organization. Too often, we become comfortable with what has worked for us… Read more »
I just finished reading an interesting article Social media & learning – note taking on steroids by Donald Clark. He discusses the benefits of note taking and using social media tools…. Read more »