I picked up LinkedIn: 101 Ways To Rock Your Personal Brand: Grow your network and build your business!
because I’m a fan of LinkedIn and a fan of Viveka Von Rosen. I am always trying to figure out how to use LinkedIn better. The firewall 5 Amazon ratings excited me about the book. But I was extremely disappointed once I got the book.
The authors overpriced the book for what they offered. True, there were 101 ways for enhancing your brand in LinkedIn. But each of these tips was only a single paragraph on a single page. They could have written the 182-page book in under 60 pages. I was able to read the entire book in 20 minutes. This was nothing more than a quick rich scheme, at least in my mind.
The 101 ways were spread across eight major sections.
I could not in good conscience recommend this book to my clients in spite of the glowing reviews found on Amazon. There are other books that provide better and more detailed information then LinkedIn: 101 Ways To Rock Your Personal Brand.
Additional Reading
- Book Review: Linked to Influence
- Are You Keeping Your LinkedIn Profile Up-to-Date?
- How to Use Google Search to Get What You Want Out of LinkedIn
- 23 Articles to Help Make LinkedIn Work for You
- First Impressions Speaks Volumes – What Does Your LinkedIn Account Say About You
- Book Review: LinkedIn Marketing: An Hour a Day
- Getting more out of LinkedIn
- #ASTD2013 Linkedin Networking for Crazy Busy Professionals: Wendy Terwelp
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