For the past year, I have been researching Chautauqua area businesses and their presence on the internet. I was interested in how many businesses had a web page, what social media tools businesses using, and if they were tracking their traffic with tools like Google Analytics. This is what I discovered.
I began my research using the Chautauqua Chamber of Commerce business listing. This provided me with a substantial list to research but it proved to be a moving target. They added some new businesses and some businesses went out of business.
In the end, my recordset consisted of 1,062 listings that represent three different states (Indiana, New York, and Pennsylvania). Sixty-five different towns are on the list.
Of the 1,062 different businesses, 67.14% of the businesses had a website. Out of the 10 PA businesses, 90% had a website whereas 66.89% of NY business had a website.

Businesses with a website
Regardless of the business, I am recommending that you have a web presence. More and more people are going to the internet to search for a business. I am also going to share the advice that I hear from many successful business owners– you need a website that is active. It should be a place where people can get to know, like, and trust you enough to do business with you.
The book They Ask, You Answer provides wonderful advice for what you should be doing on your website.
Google Analytics
Google Analytics (GA) is a tool that you include on your website that will track the traffic on your website. Only 61% of website owners were running GA on their site.
Without GA running, it is very difficult to know how successful your site is performing for you. With GA, you can see what is in demand for your potential customers. You can see what they are searching for on your site. This will help you provide better service. If you are responding to their queries, they will, in turn, come to trust you more.
When setting up GA on your site, I recommend that you use Google Tag Manager (GTM) and install the Universal GA tag. Only 43% of website owners were running the universal GA tag and only 12% were using the GTM.

Websites running Google Analytics, Universal, and Google Tag Manager.
When setting up GA, it is important that you as the business owner create the GA account rather than a web developer. If the web developer leaves you, they can take all your metrics with them.
Social Media
Here is a break down of the use of social media in the Chautauqua area.
Facebook is a popular platform with our businesses. Nearly 52% of businesses were using Facebook followed by Twitter at 23%. Other social media tools businesses are using included Youtube (9.9%), Google+ (8.9%), LinkedIn for Companies (8.5%), Instagram (8%), and Pinterest (4.3%). There is great opportunity to become a leader in the community through social promotion.

Social media use by types
Of the Facebook users, 6.4% only used Facebook and did not have a web site. This is concerning because you are building your business on rented land. If you build your business solely on Facebook and Facebook decides to cut out pages, you have lost your entire digital presence.
Ideally, your website should be at the center of your digital universe. Everything you do on social media should be pointing visitors back to your website. You can then track your success with a combination of metrics to include the social media site metrics and GA.
Facebook Pixel
Facebook Pixel is another piece of code that you can install on your website. The pixel will report back to Facebook who has visited your website. You can then direct advertising to visitors of your website. Rather than spend money on cold traffic, you can retarget interested visitors in what you are offering.
Only 11.8% of businesses were running the Facebook Pixel on their websites.
Key Takeaways
- You should have a web presence that includes Google Analytics as a minimum.
- Business owners should hold the keys to the metrics.
- If you have a website and a Facebook page, you should be running the Facebook pixel.
- There is great opportunity to become a community industry leader on social media.
- Providing a consistent presence on the internet will help potential clients to come to know, like, and trust you.
If you need assistance with anything I discussed, please contact me.
Additional Reading
- How to Add Google Tag Manager to WordPress
- How to Retarget Website Visitors With the Facebook Pixel
- How to Add Facebook Pixel to Google Tag Manager
- Create a Facebook Audience From a Congressional District
- Book Review: Google Analytics Breakthrough: From Zero to Business Impact
- How to Add and Manage Google Analytics Filters
- #SMMW17: Google Analytics: How to Measure What Matters for Your Business
- UTM Links: How Do You Know Your Ad Campaign is Effective?
- Key Components for a Business Website
- Book Review: The Lead Machine: The Small Business Guide to Digital Marketing
- Book Review: They Ask You Answer: A Revolutionary Approach to Inbound Sales, Content Marketing, and Today’s Digital Consumer