Create a Facebook Audience From a Congressional District

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Create a Facebook Audience From a Congressional District
(Last Updated On: February 1, 2022)

Have you tried to create a Facebook audience for your ads using towns and cities only to discover that you have gaps between the towns? You may want to consider creating your audience using congressional districts.

While trying to put together an audience for Facebook advertisements, it sometimes can be a challenge trying to come up with the right combinations. If you only select towns and cities you may have gaps that are between those towns and cities and may miss an opportunity. then it dawned on me that congressional districts cover those gaps.

Finding Your Congressional District

If you are not familiar with your congressional district the first place to start is with a Google search. While I was familiar with my the district I lived in, I didn’t know the neighboring districts. So, I looked them up. Do a search for your state and congressional district. For example, I searched for “New York congressional districts.” You should see a map showing you all the districts for your state. Make note of the districts you wish to advertise in.

Creating a Facebook Audience for Your Congressional District

Here are the steps for creating a Facebook audience based on your congressional district:

  1. Log in to the Facebook Ads Manager.
  2. Click on the menu option in the upper left-hand corner and then select Audience under the Assets list.

    Navigating to the Audience creation page

    Navigating to the Audience creation page

  3. From the Create Audience drop-down menu select Saved Audience.
    Select the Saved Audience option
  4. Give your saved audience a name. I use the district plus the major towns I’m trying advertise to.
  5. In the location’s box, type in your state along with the district number. You should see an option for the congressional district. For example, “New York 23.”

    After entering in my district

    After entering in my district

  6. Set the rest of your demographics to include age gender and interest.
  7. Click on the Create Audience button.

That is all there is to creating a Facebook audience with the congressional district. If you so choose, you can add more than one district at a time.

This Facebook audience should allow you to reach everybody within your chosen districts. If you have questions, feel free to reach out to me.

Additional Reading