If you remember from a previous post, I had committed myself to the daunting challenge of NaNoWriMo and NaBloPoMo. Well, in short, I was not successful. However, I did learn some things.
I cannot call the experience a total failure. I did make the attempt and thus stretched my comfort level. From the very beginning, I was unsure if I would be successful simply because of the obstacles that stood in the way. During the 30-day challenge, I realized I would be on the road for a significant amount of time. This was the obstacle that resulted in my challenge failure. On top of being on the road, I came down with a severe cold that sapped my energy for doing anything. However, there are some positive notes:
- During the challenge, I participated in a local event. I was invited to go to Wegmans cafe and sit down to write with other NaNoWriMo writers. It was fun to get to meet others who were working on the same challenge.
- From that experience, I learned that I could dictate the same amount of content in 30 minutes compared to typing for 2.5 hours. The local events were fun but not as productive in terms of writing.
- While on the road, I was able to successfully dictate a couple of blog posts. I recorded my thoughts with my phone and played them back into Google Doc Voice Typing with a fair amount of success.
In the end, I better understand the challenge. I was able to draft a number of chapters across three books as well as knock out a number of blog posts. I did not realize how difficult the writing challenge would be. Trying to hit 1,667 words every day was tough; I was only able to hit the ideal word count on 4 days.
Now that I understand the challenge better, I think I am better prepared for next November. Care to join me?
Additional Reading
- What I Have Learned Writing a Book
- Book Review: Write Better, Faster: How To Triple Your Writing Speed and Write More Every Day
- Book Review: Scrivener Superpowers: How to Use Cutting-Edge Software to Energize Your Creative Writing Practice
- Book Review: How to Use Evernote for Writing & Research
- #ATD2015: Writing Blogs, Articles, and Books to Boost Your Career by Cathy Fyock
- NaNoWriMo and NaBloPoMo, Am I Crazy?
- Book Review: Published.: The Proven Path From Blank Page to Published Author