There are times when I need to shoot off a quick note to Evernote but I am otherwise occupied such as when I am driving. I can do this hands free combining the power of Google Assistant and Evernote.
I can send an email to anyone or anything hands free using Google Assistant. It is important to note that I am using an Android phone with Gmail.
All I have to do is say, “Ok Google, email Evernote <message>.” The message can be a short note that you do not want to forget.
Google will respond with “So, that’s a message to Evernote saying, ‘<message>’. It’ll be sent from your account <email>. Do you want to send it, or change it?”
If I like the message, I will respond with “Send It.
Add Evernote Email Address
One of the first things you will want to do is add your special Evernote email address to your address book in Gmail. Here are instructions for finding your Evernote email address. Additionally, here are instructions for adding a new contact in your Google Contacts, which you can use in Gmail.
Accessing Google Assistant With Your Voice
It is also important that you are able to access Google Assistant with your voice. Here are instructions using Google Assistant and teaching it to recognize your voice.
Once it is up and running, you can activate it by simply talking to your phone. I would like to also point out that Google says that you cannot access apps if your phone is locked. Take this into consideration as you use it. When I am doing a long distance traveling, I will unlock my phone if I am doing ideation along the way. I lock it when I am not in motion.
I am sure that you can also do this with Siri, Alexa, and the many other voice enabled apps.
I have captured a number of notes using this hack.