I have been a huge fan of Paper.li. I really enjoyed having my daily “newspapers” come to me in my email on the topics I was interested in. However, they changed their business model and I no longer received my expected emails. As a result, I started to miss out on my news. I then discovered something. If you are missing your Paper.li news, this may help you.
Paper.li does a great job pulling together a variety of resources together based on topics you choose. These can be your favorite Twitter lists, hashtags, or search queries. The result is an easy-to-read newspaper. At one time, you could subscribe to the newsletter, unfortunately, I can not longer find that feature because of a change in business models.
At one time, you could subscribe to the newsletter, unfortunately, I can not longer find that feature because of a change in business models.
What I discovered is that Paper.li maintains a number of lists to include My papers, Collaborative papers, My favorites, Friend’s papers, Staff picks, and Currently buzzing. The sets I am mostly interested in are My papers, My favorites, and Friend’s papers. You can find all these collections in the Paper.li newsstand.
My papers are the papers that I have personally created.
My favorites are papers that I have favored. I typically found these through a search on Paper.li, which is also available on the newsstand.
Friend’s papers are papers that are created by my friends. In most cases, I have also favored them.
I have pulled the three links above into a folder on my Google Chrome bookmarks bar. I can then easily open them all at once to access the papers. This is not as convenient as having the papers delivered to me, but I am sure to figure out an efficient process soon.
If you have been missing your Paper.li issues, I hope this helps.
Additional articles
- Why I am a fan of getting my news with Paper.li
- Quick Tip: Opening link into new tab with one mouse click
- How I Share as Part of the Seek – Sense – Share Framework
- How I Seek as Part of the Seek – Sense – Share Framework
- My social media routine – what’s yours?
- My personal learning workflow is under revision
Thanks for the post, Stan. I was wondering if paper.li was still doing email distribution. I’ve been talking with some colleagues about the advantages of tools like paper.li and RebelMouse for distributing curated online content via email. This seems to be especially effective with people who are not ready to engage in social media. Unfortunately both paper.li and RebelMouse have changed their business models in different ways to make difficult or impossible to curate and distribute in this way. Have you found any other tools that will create a newspaper/magazine-style product based on a hashtag or search term, and allow people to subscribe to it via email?
Thanks for the comment! Unfortunately, I have not yet found a good replacement. I was frustrated enough to find this workaround so I could still see the topics I wanted to see.