My morning began as usual, I was reviewing and updating my various social media feeds when I came across this article by Gina Schreck called “My Daily Schedule for Social Media Management.” I enjoyed the article and it gave me pause to think about my social media routine. I certainly have one because that is how I ran across her article. Let me share my routine with you.
My routine starts shortly after getting up. I spend about 20 minutes sifting through my various email accounts looking for fires to put out. It helps me identify immediate actions I need to take once I get to work. I typically flag the messages so that they stay on my radar. I also review my Facebook feed, and comment and share as appropriate.
Where Gina seems to handle all her social media activity before 8 am, I typically get serious about my social media routine once I get to work. I fortunately have a job that allows me to scour the Internet to find new resources and teaching methods. I therefore subscribe to a lot of content serving this need. The following routine normally takes 1 to 2 hours of my day. The rest of the day is dedicated to other projects punctuated by quick social media scans.
- I review subscriptions to daily social media feeds such as ASTD, Chief Learning Officer, 21st Century School, and many others. This goes rather quickly, I often scan the titles looking for interesting articles. Articles of interest are opened in a browser. If it is worthwhile, I will save the article to my Diigo feed, and occasionally, I will share the article on Twitter, Facebook, or Google+ depending on the intended audience.
- I next move on to my Paper.li feeds. On a typical day, I will receive 12 of these Twitter newspapers on a number of different topics. Reviewing these takes up most of my time because there is a lot of great content. Again, I collect and share as appropriate.
- Although I do not get to my blog feeds everyday, I do try to clear them once a week.
- Finally, I run down my social media checklist. This checklist was inspired by a list created by Chris Brogan. The list can be found in his article “19 Presence Management Chores You COULD Do Every Day.” The list hangs right in front of me on my console. I have updated this list to include Google+ activities.
Well, that is my social media routine in a nutshell. I am usually done by 10 am. As we enter this new way of communicating, it is important to adjust our daily routine to accommodate it. What is your social media routine?