Over the past couple of days, I finished reading a series of booklets from Partha Bhattacharya, founder of HubSkills. This series included:
- Step-by-Step Guide To Start E-Learning Website In WordPress With Free Tools
- How To Boost YouTube Video Views Dramatically With Free Tools
- Create Amazing Clip Art Animation Video In PowerPoint
- How to Create Crisp-n-Clear Training Video In Simple Steps
Bhattacharya provides a lot of great tips through this series. Here are some of the takeaways I had regarding creating better training videos for YouTube:
1. Create all elements with a 16:9 setting. For example, when creating a screencast, set the window size to 960X540 pixels. Bhattacharya recommends a great little tool called Sizer to do this. You can pick up Sizer at http://www.brianapps.net/sizer/. This tip was certainly worth picking up his book.
2. The next great piece of advice was to record PowerPoint presentations at 16:9. Here is a short video for doing that:
When all elements are set to 16:9, they can be packaged together in a more professional manner. I will certainly be following his advice for my upcoming productions.
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