In Mashable, Jolie O-Dell wrote that “For the First Time, More People Get News Online Than From Newspapers.” I happen to be one of those people. In fact, I do not typically read a newspaper at all. I get virtually all my news online, and perhaps the evening news on television. However, more and more, I have been subscribing to virtual newspapers created in Paper.li.
Paper.li organizes links shared on Twitter and Facebook. There are times when I do not have time to sift through all of my Twitter feeds, Paper.li provides me with a snapshot of feeds in a newspaper type of format. The 140 character Tweets are expanded based on the content in the Tweet. With this newspaper format, I can quickly review the news.
If you subscribe, a “newspaper” will be e-mailed to you daily. You can subscribe to newsletters created by others or you can create your own paper. You can create up to 10 papers based on a Twitter or Facebook account, a Twitter hashtag, or a Twitter list.
Here are the virtual papers I am currently following:
- Instructional Design Daily
- The UW CES Ed Tech Daily
- The #mlearning Daily
- The Cooperative Extension Daily
- The NatCap Aerospace Daily
- E-learning Daily
If you know of any good papers that you think I might be interested in, please leave a comment below.
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