#ATD2024 – 20 Ways to Use Microlearning – And Design Tips for Success

#ATD2024 - 20 Ways to Use Microlearning - and Design Tips for Success
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Recently, I had the opportunity to attend the ATD International Conference and Exposition (#ATD24). Among the various insightful sessions, one particularly caught my attention: “20 Ways to Use Microlearning – and Design Tips for Success” by Carla Torgerson of Sweetrush. She gave a wonderful presentation.

Understanding Microlearning

Microlearning refers to delivering content in small, focused segments that learners can consume quickly and easily. It’s all about providing bite-sized information tailored to specific learning objectives. The beauty of microlearning lies in its flexibility and accessibility, making it suitable for diverse learning needs and preferences.

Microlearning can appear in many different formats. However, the common formats include text (email, flyers, etc.), elearning, video, infographics, and emerging technologies like podcasting.

4 Uses of Microlearning

Carla indicated that microlearning use could be organized into four buckets:

  • Preparation. This is typically longer content to prepare learners for an upcoming training session. Its duration should not exceed 10 minutes. It is still short enough to do as part of an in-class activity.
  • Follow-Up. This microlearning content reinforces previous training. It is very short in duration, around 30 seconds. These can be programmed reminders as described in The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning: How to Turn Training and Development into Business Results 
  • Standalone. Standalone microlearning is short-form training lasting 4-8 minutes. These are typically learning blocks as part of training modules in a learning management system.
  • Support. This microlearning takes the form of just-in-time performance support. It can be called up as needed or sent to a learner as part of a help request. These are usually 15 seconds to 5 minutes in length. I often use Vidyard GoVideo to create just-in-time videos to answer questions.

20 Ways to Use Microlearning

Here are 20 innovative ways you can integrate microlearning into your training programs:

  1. Skill Refreshers: Offer quick refreshers on essential skills to reinforce learning.
  2. Product Demos: Provide brief tutorials or demos to showcase product features and functionalities.
  3. Compliance Training: Deliver bite-sized modules for compliance training to ensure regulatory adherence.
  4. Onboarding: Break down onboarding materials into digestible chunks for new hires.
  5. Soft Skills Development: Offer microlearning modules for developing soft skills such as communication and leadership.
  6. Performance Support: Provide just-in-time support materials to address immediate performance issues.
  7. Mobile Learning: Optimize microlearning content for mobile devices to facilitate learning on the go.
  8. Sales Training: Create short modules to train sales teams on product knowledge, sales techniques, and objection handling.
  9. Language Learning: Offer micro lessons for language acquisition, focusing on vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation.
  10. Customer Service Training: Deliver quick tips and scenarios to enhance employee customer service skills.
  11. Software Tutorials: Break down complex software processes into bite-sized tutorials for easier comprehension.
  12. Safety Training: Provide microlearning modules to reinforce safety protocols and procedures in the workplace.
  13. Micro Assessments: Use microlearning for quick knowledge checks and assessments to gauge learner understanding.
  14. Time Management: Offer tips and techniques for improving time management skills in short modules.
  15. Health and Wellness: Share brief videos or articles on health and wellness topics to promote employee well-being.
  16. Product Knowledge: Create microlearning nuggets to educate employees about new products or updates.
  17. Remote Work Skills: Provide tips and best practices for effective remote work in short, actionable segments.
  18. Problem-Solving Scenarios: Present real-life scenarios and challenges for learners to solve in bite-sized formats.
  19. Leadership Development: Offer microlearning modules for leadership development, focusing on specific leadership competencies.
  20. Feedback and Reflection: Encourage learners to reflect on their learning through brief prompts and questions.

Design Tips for Successful Microlearning

To ensure the effectiveness of your microlearning initiatives, consider the following design tips:

  1. Keep it Concise: Focus on delivering targeted content without unnecessary fluff or filler.
  2. Visual Appeal: Use engaging visuals such as images, infographics, and videos to enhance comprehension.
  3. Interactive Elements: Incorporate interactive elements like quizzes, drag-and-drop activities, and simulations to boost engagement.
  4. Clear Objectives: Clearly outline learning objectives to provide context and purpose for each microlearning module.
  5. Responsive Design: Ensure compatibility across various devices, allowing learners to access content anytime, anywhere.
  6. Feedback Mechanism: Provide immediate feedback and reinforcement to enhance learning retention.
  7. Personalization: Tailor content to individual learner needs and preferences for a more personalized learning experience.
  8. Accessibility: Ensure content is accessible to all learners, including those with disabilities, by following accessibility guidelines.


Microlearning offers a powerful approach to delivering impactful training experiences in today’s fast-paced world. Organizations can enhance learner engagement, retention, and performance by leveraging microlearning effectively and incorporating thoughtful design principles. Embrace microlearning as a versatile tool in your training arsenal and reap the benefits of its efficiency and effectiveness.


Carla has written a couple of books about microlearning.

Photo by RDNE Stock project and photo by Julia M Cameron.

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#ATD2024 – 20 Ways to Use Microlearning – And Design Tips for Success

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