#ATD2024 – My Day Two Recap: ATD-ICE

#ATD2024 – My Day Two Recap: ATD-ICE
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This is a recap of the first full day of the Association for Talent Development International Conference and Exposition. I did not have a set agenda going into the conference. I attended sessions that seemed interesting. Two sessions today focused on developing as a consultant both in and out of the company. The third session took a closer look at microlearning.


I was pretty happy with each of the sessions. I quickly filled up the pages of my notebook with nuggets of inspiration. Here are links to the sessions I attended.

Books Purchased

At previous conferences, I have bought large stacks of books. This year, I was more restrained. I only walked away with four new books.

All in all, it was a good day. Lots of wonderful ideas to mull over.  Please contact me if you want to know more.

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#ATD2024 – My Day Two Recap: ATD-ICE

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