#StudentSuccessUS: Help Graduates Measure and Communicate Transferable Skills

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#StudentSuccessUS: Help graduates measure and communicate transferable skills
(Last Updated On: November 23, 2023)

Welcome to our latest blog post! Today, we’re diving into an enlightening discussion from the Student Success US 2023 conference. Specifically, we’re focusing on a panel titled “Help Graduates Measure and Communicate Transferable Skills.” This panel was skillfully moderated by Sara Custer, Campus Editor at THE. The insightful speakers included Erica Clark, Director of Student Innovation for the Najim Center for Innovation and Career Advancement at The University of Texas at San Antonio, and Sarah Hansen, Vice President for Student Life at the University of Iowa. They shared their experiences and strategies on how students can effectively communicate their skills to the workforce.

Unlocking the Power of Transferable Skills

Erica Clark’s Approach: Inclusive and Hands-on Learning

Erica Clark’s approach at the Najim Center is a shining example of how inclusive and hands-on learning can significantly impact students’ lives and careers. This approach is particularly noteworthy for a few key reasons:

Welcoming All Students: At the heart of the Najim Center’s philosophy is the belief that every student, irrespective of their academic standing, has potential. By not restricting participation based on GPA or class standing, the center opens doors for students who might otherwise feel excluded from such opportunities. This inclusive policy is crucial in a landscape where academic performance often overshadows other equally important skills and talents.

Real-World Experience: The Center provides students with the invaluable opportunity to engage in real-world projects. These aren’t hypothetical classroom exercises; they are actual challenges that require practical solutions. This exposure is vital in preparing students for the complexities and demands of the workforce after graduation.

Ecosystem of Learning: Erica Clark’s concept of an ‘ecosystem of learning’ is particularly innovative. Every project, interaction, and experience at the center is interconnected, contributing to a holistic educational environment. This ecosystem approach fosters a sense of community among students and encourages them to see the value in every experience as a learning opportunity.

Emphasis on Collaboration, Innovation, and Inclusivity: The Najim Center’s focus isn’t just on learning skills; it’s also about how to work effectively with others, innovate in the face of challenges, and create inclusive environments. These are essential skills in today’s global and diverse workforce.

Inspirational Success Stories: The story of Molina, a student who overcame academic challenges and thrived, exemplifies the center’s impact. Molina’s journey from struggling academically to succeeding and becoming a role model for other students is a testament to the center’s supportive and transformative environment.

Overcoming Barriers: The center’s approach also addresses common barriers to success. For instance, by not requiring high GPAs, they remove a significant hurdle for students who may excel in practical, hands-on projects but struggle with traditional academic measures.

Building Confidence and Skills: The center’s hands-on projects help students build confidence in their abilities. They learn to trust their ideas, work collaboratively, and see the tangible results of their efforts. This confidence, coupled with the skills they acquire, positions them well for their future careers.

Erica Clark’s inclusive and hands-on approach at the Najim Center is more than just an educational program; it’s a life-changing experience for students. By focusing on inclusivity, real-world experiences, and an ecosystem of learning, the center equips students with the skills, confidence, and resilience needed to succeed in the modern workforce. This approach serves as a model for how educational institutions can empower students to realize their full potential, regardless of their academic background.

Sarah Hansen’s Strategy: Meaningful Employment Experiences

Sarah Hansen’s strategy at the University of Iowa brings a unique perspective to student employment, transforming it into a valuable educational tool. The Iowa GROW program exemplifies how integrating work and learning can have profound effects on student development. Here’s an in-depth look at this innovative approach:

Iowa GROW: More Than Just a Job: Iowa GROW (Guided Reflection on Work) transcends the traditional view of student employment as merely a means to earn money. This program is designed to make every job a learning opportunity. By embedding structured reflections into the work experience, students are encouraged to draw connections between their job tasks and the skills they are developing, which are often applicable in many life and career scenarios.

Structured Conversations for Deeper Insight: A key element of Iowa GROW is the use of guided conversations between students and their supervisors. These discussions prompt students to reflect on various aspects of their work. Questions might cover topics like problem-solving, teamwork, or dealing with challenging situations. This reflection helps students recognize and articulate the skills they are developing.

Bridging Work and Academics: One of the program’s goals is to help students see the relevance of their work experience to their academic pursuits. By understanding how skills like critical thinking or time management apply in both contexts, students can enhance their academic performance and better prepare for their future careers.

Impact on Retention and Graduation Rates: Remarkably, the Iowa GROW program has been linked to higher retention and graduation rates. This is particularly significant for minority and first-generation students, who often face unique challenges in higher education. The program’s supportive structure contributes to a sense of belonging and achievement, which are key factors in student success.

Fostering a Sense of Belonging: Through Iowa GROW, students gain more than just work experience; they become part of a community. This sense of belonging is crucial for student engagement and retention, especially for those who may feel marginalized in other aspects of university life.

Preparing for the Professional World: The program equips students with a vocabulary to describe their skills and experiences effectively. This preparation is invaluable when it comes time for job interviews and career advancement, as students can confidently discuss their competencies.

Adapting to Diverse Student Needs: Iowa GROW is designed to be flexible and adapt to the varied needs of a diverse student body. This adaptability ensures that the program remains relevant and effective for all participants, regardless of their background or field of study.

Sarah Hansen’s strategy through the Iowa GROW program is a pioneering approach to student employment. By transforming jobs into learning experiences and fostering reflection, the program helps students develop key skills, increases their sense of belonging, and prepares them for successful futures. This strategy is a testament to the potential of integrating work and learning in higher education, providing a model that other institutions can emulate to enhance student success.

Overcoming Challenges and Building Bridges

Both panelists also shared the challenges they face in implementing these programs. One common hurdle is time constraints, especially for faculty and staff who are already juggling many responsibilities. However, both Erica and Sarah have found ways to integrate their programs seamlessly into the existing structure, demonstrating the value and feasibility of their initiatives.

Conclusion: The Future of Student Success

The key takeaway from this discussion is the power of seeing every aspect of university life as a chance to learn and grow. Both Erica Clark and Sarah Hansen have shown that with the right approach, students can develop a rich set of skills that go beyond the classroom. These skills are not just academic; they are life skills that prepare students for the workforce and beyond.

As we continue to explore ways to enhance student success, the insights from this panel offer valuable guidance. By focusing on inclusive learning environments and meaningful work experiences, we can help students not only succeed academically but thrive in all aspects of their lives.

Thank you for joining us on this journey through the world of student success and transferable skills! Stay tuned for more insights and stories from the realm of education and beyond.

#StudentSuccessUS: Help Graduates Measure and Communicate Transferable Skills