ITC: 23 – Exploring the Interaction Standards for an Online Course Review

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In the Classroom with Stan Skrabut: Episode 23
(Last Updated On: December 27, 2019)

If your online course does not include interaction between student and student, teacher and student, or student and teacher, you have nothing more than a correspondence course. Online courses have received a bad rap because most courses were like this. One read the material and took a test. You can do so much more with an online course.

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In this episode, we are continuing our exploration of online quality reviews. We are continuing to look at a specific tool called OSCQR. It is a rubric for reviewing online courses.

We will be focusing on the 6 Interaction standards.

OSCQR Standards

With these standards, you are bringing the human element into the course. One of the challenges of an online course is a sense of isolationism. By focusing on the interaction standards, you can develop a sense of community.

In one of my online graduate classes, students were so pleased with the online discussions that they said it was like being in a face to face class. So, it is possible.

The specific standards include:

  1. Expectations for timely and regular feedback from the instructor are clearly stated (questions, email, assignments).
  2. Expectations for interaction are clearly stated (netiquette, grade weighting, models/examples, and timing and frequency of contributions).
  3. Learners have an opportunity to get to know the instructor.
  4. Course contains resources or activities intended to build a sense of class community, support open communication, and establish trust (at least one of the following – Icebreaker, Bulletin Board, Meet Your Classmates, Ask a Question discussion forums).
  5. Course offers opportunities for learner to learner interaction and constructive collaboration.
  6. Learners are encouraged to share resources and inject knowledge from diverse sources of information in their course interactions.

In this episode, I will discuss each of these standards.


Here are some of the resources I talked about in this episode:

This episode of the podcast was put together with the assistance of:

Adapted from: The OSCQR Rubric, Dashboard, and Process are made available by Online Learning Consortium, Inc. (OLC) under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC By 4.0).