For a small business owner, there is not enough time in the day to do all the things that you want to do. In order to do new things, you have to either give up some things or become more productive in the things you’re already doing. In terms of social media and blogging, I want to share with you a technique that may help you with your productivity.
While writing this post, I used a technique called Google Voice Typing. It makes a huge difference in the speed of getting blog posts out. So, basically, I just want to share this idea with you.
When writing your next post, open up Google Docs, specifically the word processing program, and click on Tools and then Voice Typing. By clicking on the microphone icon, you can begin to speak your next post.

Google Voice Typing
As you become more proficient in this method of writing, you will be able to get more done. You can also use this for writing email messages, blog posts, book chapters, and anything else you want.
This has already saved me an incredible amount of time; I hope it does for you.