As many of you already know, I am a huge fan of Zotero. I announced when they created access from browsers other than FireFox, and I also announced when they created a standalone client for the desktop. Well, there is now an iPad app that allows you to access Zotero, it is called ZotPad. From a preliminary assessment of the application, I already like it.
From a horizontal iPad view, ZotPad has a similar look to my standalone Zotero. This makes it easy to get used to. With ZotPad, I am able to access all of my libraries, filter by tags, and drill down into each record. Records can be sorted by title, creator, date, and date modified.
When you drill down into a record, you can access and modify your information, notes, and tags.
ZotPad comes with a detailed user manual that logically explains the operation of the program. It also outlines some of the limitations, such as not being able to search through attachments. Also, the search, as ZotPad admits, can be more robust. The user manual also points out other important features such as being able to annotate PDF files and sending them back to Zotero; this must be done with a third party application such as Adobe Reader.
I will have to experiment more with ZotPad, but I already think it is a keeper.
If you are not using Zotero for your citation management, you should take a look. I have found it to be one of my indispensable programs. Here are more posts on Zotero:
- Zotero to the rescue!
- Zotero gets a huge upgrade
- Kindle and Zotero, a great match
- How to Use Zotero With Scrivener
- How to Use Zotero
- What I Have Learned Writing a Book
- My Recommendations for a Successful Dissertation
Let me know how you like ZotPad.