Each year, I wait with excitement for Jane Hart’s Top 100 Tools for Learning. She just released it and I am pleased to see that I am using the top 10 tools on a regular basis.
- Google Drive/Docs
- YouTube
- Google Search
- PowerPoint
- Evernote
- Dropbox
- WordPress
- Google+ & Hangouts
As I continue to review the list, I am actively using all the tools listed from 11 to 20 except for Prezi and Blogger. I personally think Prezi has too many distractions, and I use WordPress for my blogging. Google Reader used to be on the list but it has been replaced by Feedly for managing RSS feeds.
From 21 to 30, I again regularly use these tools except for Articulate, Edmodo, and Adobe Connect. I will have to explore Edmodo, I am not too familiar with it. However, instead of Articulate, I am using Captivate, and I regularly use other web conferencing tools such as Google+ Hangouts on Air, Microsoft Lync, and Blackboard Collaborate instead of Adobe Connect.
For the rest of the list, I will have to go out and actively explore the following:
- Coursera
- Screenr
- iSpring
- Udutu
- Padlet
- Storify
- Etherpad
- GlogsterEDU
- eFront
- Popplet
- Animoto
- Todays Meet
- Whats App
- Trello
- elearningArt
- Learnist
It will be interesting to see which tools will gain in popularity over the next year. From the top 100 list, I am familiar with or actively using at least 70% of these tools.
How do you measure up to this list?
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