The blog began in January 2011. In the first year, I was able to write 90 blog posts. Yesterday, I logged my 220th post.
For me, this has been a creative release. It lets me talk about things I think are important in this area. I am humbled that folks have found some of my posts to be worth reading. Here are the top ten posts from 2012:
- How to move photos to and from your iPad using Dropbox
- How to share your Google Reader subscriptions with others using bundles
- 21st Century Tools Through the Lens of Bloom’s Taxonomy
- Session notes: Leaving the ADDIE model behind
- What Motivates Adults to Learn?
- How do we assess adult learners without necessarily testing them?
- How to create a cheap (free) secure photo database?
- How do we make learning interesting?
- How does age and culture affect a learner’s motivation?
- Education is life!
I am looking forward to 2013. I can’t wait to share what I learn.