2012 ASTD Opening Remarks by Tony Bingham

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(Last Updated On: January 12, 2018)

During the opening remarks by Tony Bingham, he stressed the importance of accelerating the employee development process, especially for millennials. When surveying millennials, some trends emerged. First of all, online communications is essential. Millennials value their mobile devices and the information they can receive… over even money.

Bingham emphasized the importance of becoming more mobile with our training efforts. 472 million smartphones sold in 2011, and that number is expected to continue to rise. We need to develop shorter courses for mobile devices, courses that can be accessed anytime and anywhere. We need to increase the mobile impact on performance support. Security is a important consideration.

Where do we start with a strategy to take mobile learning to the next level.

  • Think mobile
  • Start small
  • Find an executive sponsor
  • Partner with IT
  • Identify impact
  • We can not wait!!

Here are the things I plan to work on:

  • Get sites set up for mobile learning such as WordPress and Moodle.
  • Develop a podcasts series.
  • Develop bite size blocks of learning content.
  • Build a mobile page to access all resources including publications.

I really enjoy attending ASTD conferences because they get me fired up, and help me set direction. As we said in the Air Force, it gives me a chance to be “Reblued.”