The more you give, the more you shall receive in return. I have been hearing this phrase over and over lately. It has been in the books I have been reading and the podcasts I have been listening to. As educators, I believe it is something we should regularly be doing. When we share information and knowledge, we never lose it, but more people benefit from what we share. In Extension, I believe we should be freely giving away everything we know. Some people do not agree. At one time, knowledge was power, now the sharing of knowledge is power.
I do not believe we are doing enough to share the information we have. Sharing what we have will provide us with more customers. In his book The Digital Scholar, Weller discovered that MIT has been giving away its courses for free, yet, they have not lost learners but instead have seen increased enrollment. I personally have been asked to present based on what I have shared. By sharing your content, others can see what you have to offer.
One way that I share is through Slideshare.net. When I get done building a presentation, I place it on Slideshare. So far, I have 40 presentations on a number of topics. Over time, 81,000+ visitors have viewed my presentations. One presentation has received over 15,000 views. This is significantly more views than if I created a presentation, gave it to an audience of 20, and let it sit on my computer.
In addition to sharing my presentations, it has also cut down on handouts I give. During presentations, I point participants to Slideshare where they can download their own copy as well as see other presentations I have created. My presentations are basically open education resources, and anyone can download them, modify them, and use them for their benefit. I share them through the Creative Commons licensing agreement.
As educators, we should be placing all of our presentations online. I am not the only one sharing what I present, here are other Extension educators who regularly share.
- Alice Henneman
- Jamie Seger
- Amy Hays
- Stephen Judd
- Anne Adrian
- Sarah Baughman
- Karen Jeanette
- Beth Raney
- Steven Newman
- Eli Sagor
- John Dorner
- Military Families Learning Network
- National Association of County Agricultural Agents
It does not take much time to post your presentation. By doing so, you will contribute to the world knowledge base and help to get the word out about your area of interest. By sharing, you will gain much more in return.
Are you sharing? Why? or why not?
Additional Reading
- Book Review: Show Your Work
- #ASTD2014 Presentation: Show Your Work by @janebozarth
- Leave a Trace!
- Book Review: Rapid Media Development for Trainers: Creating Videos, Podcasts, and Presentations on a Budget
- Everyday People Are Giving Bad Presentations
- Seriously Higher Ed, Stop With the Crappy PowerPoint Presentations
Thanks for a great post Stan. You make great points about Slideshare. We find that participants in our Military Families Learning Network webinars really enjoy following along with their own set of slides (either during or after the webinar). They also seem to appreciate being able to click on links speakers put in their presentations so they can explore or reference at a later date.
As a companion to your blog posts, Extension Educators might like to read this blog post on repurposing content between different forms of communication (webinars, Slideshare, blogs, FB or Twitter) http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/repurpose-blog-content-for-social-media/. There are some good ideas worth considering.
Thanks for the great link. I will squirrel it away.
And one more thought — one of my favorite things about Slideshare is the ability to share a specific slide to discuss via Twitter or elsewhere. You can easily point to a specific slide by adding /#slidenumber to the end of the Slideshare URL i.e. check out slide 4 (and then 5) on Eli Sagor’s slide decks> http://www.slideshare.net/esagor/rethinking-extension-digital-communication-adn-engagement-for-the-land-grant-university-system/4
Thanks for the great tip on linking to specific slides. I will have to use that in the future.