Yesterday, I finished putting together a learning guide on Diigo, and it gave me time to think about how I use Diigo.
If you are not familiar with Diigo, it is a very powerful social bookmarking tool that is Web-based. On a regular day, I probably use Diigo at least 12-15 times. I am constantly looking for resources that will help me or others do our jobs better. Primarily, I look for new tools and ways to use tools in support of Extension.
If I see a great Web site, I save it to Diigo. I may find a great site from a Twitter post, a recommendation from a friend, or through browsing. So far, I have collected 4,200 links. Compared to saving links as a favorite in a Web browser, I have the links available where ever I go. In support of Extension, I use the links I have collected in three primary ways.
Subject Guides
Because I tag each link I save, I have a ready-made subject guide I can share with others. For example, if you were interested in more information on Diigo, I would share these three links, which would take you to my learning guides:
Learning Guides
I also use the links to put together learning guides to help others get started with a tool or concept, as well as, discover new ideas for using the tools. Basically, I sift through a subject guide and try to pull out the Web sites that add value to the topic. Here are the learning guides I have created so far.
At the end of the month, I had put together a newsletter called Geeks and Speaks. In the newsletter, I shared many of the links I discovered throughout the previous month that I believe Extension educators would benefit from reading. Note: This newsletter has been discontinued.
Interested in learning more about social bookmarking, I recommend you check out Social Bookmarking and Annotating.
I would love to hear how you are using Diigo or other social bookmarking sites. Drop a comment.