#ATD2024: Day 5 Recap From the Association for Talent Development Conference

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#ATD2024: Day 5 Recap From the Association for Talent Development Conference
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What an enjoyable conference! Day 5, the last day of the 2024 ATD-ICE conference, was another day packed with great information. My day involved learning design tips, credential ideas, and game strategies. To top it off, we were entertained with some wonderful music, awed by powerful photos and stories, and inspired by a woman crushing it both on and off the court. And they brought in the puppies.


This was another good conference. I felt I got my money’s worth. I attended some informative sessions, met up with old connections, and made new connections. In the end, it is about the connections.

#ATD2024: Day 5 Recap From the Association for Talent Development Conference