#ATD2024 – 6 Secrets to Consulting Success

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#ATD2024 - 6 Secrets to Consulting Success
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At the recent ATD conference, Elaine Biech, a seasoned consultant and owner of EBB Associates, shared valuable insights into the consulting industry. This expert highlighted how consulting has evolved and offered six secrets to success in this dynamic field. Here’s a breakdown of those secrets:

Understanding the Importance of Consulting

The industry landscape has changed significantly, with consulting now recognized as a critical component of business strategy. This is largely due to the gap left by retiring experts, making consultants more crucial than ever. The speaker emphasized that success in consulting goes beyond possessing expertise; it requires sharp business acumen and the ability to adapt to market needs.

1. Expertise Is Not Enough

While knowledge of your field is important, it alone won’t guarantee success. As a consultant, you must embrace entrepreneurship and learn how to run your business effectively.

  • Entrepreneurial Mindset: Understand the business side of consulting, including marketing, finance, and client management.
  • Skill Development: Continuously improve your skills to stay competitive and meet client expectations.

2. Effective Pricing Strategies

Setting the right price for your services is crucial. You must know how to value your expertise appropriately to ensure profitability and respect within the industry. New consults often charge too little.

  • Understanding Your Worth: Determine what clients will pay and ensure your rates reflect your value.
  • Flexibility and Negotiation: Be open to negotiating but know when to stand firm to maintain your value.

Elaine proposed two different pricing strategies and ways to calculate your rates. There was also a lot of discussion about creating and pricing out proposals.

3. Marketing Is Key

Marketing yourself effectively is vital in consulting. You need to promote your services to attract and retain clients actively. You are your brand. Your personality will land the contract. People need to get to know, like, and trust you.

  • Self-Promotion: Use your achievements and expertise as marketing tools.
  • Networking: Build relationships within the industry to expand your client base.
  • Target Your Next Client: Strategically determine who your next client will be. Do your research and market accordingly.

4. Building Client Relationships

Your ability to forge strong relationships will often determine your success. This involves meeting and exceeding client expectations to foster trust and repeat business. Put your clients ahead of your business.

  • Communication Skills: Be clear and consistent in your interactions.
  • Deliver Value: Always aim to provide solutions that significantly benefit your clients.

5. Managing Your Business

Handling the administrative side of consulting is as important as the actual consulting work. This includes invoicing, managing finances, and ensuring you are compensated for your services. Decide on the type of business that you want. You don’t need to have employees if you don’t want to. 

  • Financial Management: Keep track of your earnings and expenses.
  • Client Management: Ensure contracts and terms are clearly defined and understood.

6. Passion and Ethics

Passion for your work and ethical behavior are the foundations of a successful consulting career. You must genuinely enjoy what you do and operate with integrity.

  • Passion for Consulting: Love what you do to maintain enthusiasm and drive.
  • Ethical Practices: Conduct business honestly and transparently.


Elaine’s session at ATD 2024 was a treasure trove of insights for both budding and experienced consultants. Consultants can not only thrive in their careers but also make a significant impact on the businesses they help. Being a successful consultant is not just about what you know—it’s about how you apply your knowledge to solve real-world problems and help your clients succeed.

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#ATD2024 – 6 Secrets to Consulting Success