#ATD2024 – Think Tank Networking – Membership

#ATD2024 - Think Tank Networking - Membership
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Think Tank Networking sessions are invaluable opportunities for professionals to collaborate, share insights, and brainstorm innovative ideas. The focus was on membership strategies during a recent session I attended during the ATD Leaders Conference. Here’s a breakdown of some key takeaways:

Enhancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are crucial to building a reflective membership base. Many chapters actively address these aspects in their recruitment efforts. 

Partnerships With Educational Institutions

One chapter highlighted a successful partnership with a local college specializing in instructional design and technology. Through this collaboration, professionals from the chapter served as guest speakers and mentors for students. They engaged in activities such as evaluating student projects and providing real-world insights into the industry. This partnership benefited students as they learned about potential future careers. Additionally, it exposed them to ATD as a professional organization. Many of these students became members.

Demonstrating Return on Investment (ROI)

A common concern raised during the session was demonstrating the return on investment for membership, particularly in securing corporate sponsorship. Some chapters are tackling this challenge by highlighting membership benefits. Chapters proactively communicate the tangible benefits of membership to companies. These benefits include opportunities for professional development through workshops, seminars, and access to industry-specific resources. Networking opportunities and mentorship programs are valuable assets for companies investing in employee growth and retention.

Retention Strategies

To retain existing members, chapters are implementing targeted communication efforts. For instance, one chapter developed postcards outlining the top 10 reasons to remain a member. They personalized and mailed these postcards to lapsed members, accompanied by follow-up phone calls to address any questions or concerns. Chapters aim to increase member retention and foster long-term engagement by highlighting the value proposition of membership.

Leveraging Resources

Maximizing resources is essential for chapter sustainability. Here are some resourceful strategies shared during the session:

  • Access to Tools: Nonprofit organizations often have access to free or discounted tools and programs. Chapters actively explore these opportunities to enhance their offerings without stretching their budgets. By leveraging available resources, chapters can provide valuable services to members while maintaining financial stability.
  • Transitioning National Members to Local Chapters: Encouraging national members to join local chapters can streamline recruitment. Existing members can serve as ambassadors, providing insights into the benefits of local chapter involvement. Chapters can facilitate this transition by offering special incentives or networking events targeting national members. By fostering a sense of community at the local level, chapters aim to strengthen member engagement and participation.

In conclusion, the Think Tank Networking session provided valuable insights into membership strategies for professional organizations. Chapters can attract and retain a dynamic membership base by prioritizing diversity, demonstrating ROI, and leveraging available resources. These initiatives strengthen the organization and contribute to the professional growth of individuals within the industry.

#ATD2024 – Think Tank Networking – Membership

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