#ATD2024 – Elevate Your Chapter: 3 Transformative Tactics for Mastering Member Engagement

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#ATD2024 - Elevate Your Chapter: 3 Transformative Tactics for Mastering Member Engagement
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Engaging chapter members effectively is crucial for the success and longevity of any organization. We’ll delve into three transformative tactics Rusty Shields presented to elevate a chapter’s member engagement.

1. Visibility: Enhancing Your Presence

Rusty begins by addressing common challenges that chapters face, including low attendance, ghosting, and member retention issues. These challenges often stem from a lack of visibility and awareness among potential members. Here are some transformative techniques to employ:

  • Optimizing Online Presence: Take a proactive approach to enhance your chapter’s visibility online. Start by conducting a simple Google search to assess where your chapter ranks if it shows up. Strive to appear on the first page of search results, as this increases the likelihood of attracting new members.
  • Diversifying Connection Channels: Utilize a variety of platforms to connect with current and potential members. Consider leveraging platforms like Instagram alongside traditional newsletters and LinkedIn. Encourage active engagement by prompting members to like, share, comment, and reply to your posts. These are called “post parties” when there is a focused drive for engagement.
  • Strategic Partnerships: Explore opportunities for collaboration with other organizations, such as industry associations or local businesses. Offer incentives like discounted rates or reciprocal promotions to attract new members and expand your network. By partnering with organizations aligned with your chapter’s mission, you can increase visibility and access to resources.

2. Inclusion: Creating Welcoming Spaces

Rusty highlights the importance of inclusivity within training spaces, emphasizing the need to address barriers that may prevent certain members from fully participating. Transformative strategies to consider:

  • Accessibility Considerations: Ensure that your chapter’s training materials and events are accessible to all members, regardless of their abilities or limitations. This may involve providing closed captions for videos, offering alternative formats for written content, or selecting venues that are wheelchair accessible.
  • Tech Support for Hybrid Events: In the era of hybrid events, it’s essential to provide technical support to facilitate seamless participation for both in-person and virtual attendees. Designate staff or volunteers to assist with troubleshooting technical issues and ensure that all members can engage fully with the content.
  • Diversity Beyond Surface Level: Embrace diversity in all forms, including age, gender, ethnicity, and background. Actively seek member feedback to identify areas where your chapter can improve its inclusivity efforts. Consider implementing diversity training for chapter leaders and volunteers to foster a more welcoming and inclusive environment.

3. Empowerment: Leveraging Member Strengths

Rusty emphasizes the value of tapping into members’ strengths and empowering them to contribute meaningfully to the chapter’s success. Here are some practical steps to consider:

  • Engaging Members in Programming: Identify your chapter members’ unique strengths and talents and find ways to incorporate them into your programming. This could involve inviting members to speak at events, lead workshops, or contribute articles to your newsletter. By leveraging the expertise within your community, you can create more engaging and relevant content for your members.
  • Personalized Recognition: Take the time to recognize and appreciate the contributions of individual members. This could involve highlighting their achievements in your newsletter, publicly acknowledging their efforts at chapter meetings, or presenting them with awards or certificates of appreciation. Showing your members you value their contributions can foster a sense of belonging and loyalty within the chapter.


Elevating member engagement requires a multifaceted approach, prioritizing visibility, inclusion, and empowerment. By implementing these transformative tactics, chapters can cultivate vibrant communities and ensure long-term success.

As we reflect on these strategies, let’s consider how we can adapt them to our chapters, fostering environments where every member feels valued and empowered to participate fully. By embracing diversity, fostering inclusivity, and recognizing the unique strengths of our members, we can create chapters that are truly inclusive and welcoming to all.

#ATD2024 – Elevate Your Chapter: 3 Transformative Tactics for Mastering Member Engagement