Need help organizing your Zettelkasten note cards? I’ve been there too! I accumulated notes faster than I could sort them in my Zettelkasten system. So, I created a simple solution – a table of contents (TOC) to streamline the process.
One day, faced with hundreds of index cards needing a home in my system, I realized the process needed to be faster and more organized. I’d flip through my topic index and search for the right spot to file each card. Seeking efficiency, I thought a TOC might be the answer.
I sat down one afternoon and created a TOC for my Zettelkasten. It primarily lists high-level topics with corresponding numbers. Nothing fancy, but it does the job! I printed it out and now keep a copy handy when writing or organizing cards. When I create a new card, I include its high-level number to help me place it later. This preliminary sorting makes filing cards a breeze since I only deal with a small set of related cards at a time. Here is my structure.
I will make pen and ink changes to the printout if I encounter a new topic or branch. When I have enough changes, I will then update the digital TOC.
I’m still loving what Zettelkasten does for my writing, and this simple hack has made managing it a whole lot easier! Give it a try and watch your organization skills soar.