#ATDALC2023: Reflecting on ALC Conference Orientation: Objectives, Networking, and Volunteering

Reflecting on ALC Conference Orientation Objectives, Networking, and Volunteering
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Recently, the Association for Talent Development (ATD) hosted its ALC Conference in San Diego, providing an opportunity for professionals to gather, connect, and grow within the talent development industry. The conference began with an engaging orientation session for chapter leaders that set the stage for the event’s objectives and emphasized the importance of networking and volunteering. In this post, we will delve into the key insights shared during the orientation, highlighting the significance of the conference objectives, networking strategies, and the value of volunteering within the organization.

Conference Objectives

During the orientation, the planning committee clearly outlined the conference objectives, emphasizing four key areas.

The first objective was to identify specific conference objectives to explore and gain knowledge from. This encouraged participants to have a clear vision of what they wanted to achieve during the event.

The second objective involved taking a deeper dive into the chosen conference objectives, allowing attendees to delve into the subject matter and extract valuable insights.

The third objective centered around connecting with others, emphasizing the importance of building relationships and expanding professional networks. I fully dove into this objective. The networking I did made this conference especially memorable.

Lastly, the fourth objective emphasized the importance of personal development and building a network of like-minded professionals.

Importance of Networking

Networking emerged as a significant theme during the orientation session. Participants were encouraged to actively engage with others and seek opportunities to connect. Sitting with new people during sessions was highly encouraged, providing a chance to expand one’s network and exchange ideas. The value of networking as a means to enhance professional growth and visibility within the industry was stressed, with attendees recognizing the potential benefits of establishing connections with both familiar faces and new acquaintances. I picked up 35 new contacts at the conference.

Volunteering Opportunities

The orientation shed light on the various volunteering opportunities available within the ATD organization. From local chapter involvement to regional and national initiatives, attendees were informed about the range of ways they could contribute to the organization’s mission. Volunteering not only provides an opportunity to give back but also offers a chance to expand skills, gain experience, and develop leadership abilities. The importance of finding a mentor or someone in a desired role to guide and support the volunteering journey was also highlighted.

Delegating and Sharing Successes

Another key takeaway from the orientation was the significance of delegation and not shouldering all responsibilities individually. Attendees were reminded of the importance of balancing workload and leveraging the strengths of a team. Delegating tasks not only helps distribute the workload effectively but also allows individuals to focus on their core areas of expertise. Additionally, the orientation emphasized the importance of sharing successes (SOS) and celebrating achievements within the talent development community. Participants were encouraged to document and highlight successful projects, initiatives, or best practices, fostering a culture of knowledge sharing and inspiring others.


The ALC Conference orientation set the stage for an engaging and productive event, emphasizing the conference objectives, the power of networking, and the value of volunteering within the ATD community. Attendees were encouraged to identify their personal goals, connect with fellow professionals, and explore volunteering opportunities. The importance of delegating tasks, balancing responsibilities, and sharing successes was also emphasized. As participants embarked on their conference journey, armed with these insights, they were well-equipped to make the most of their ALC experience, foster meaningful connections, and contribute to the growth and development of the talent development industry.

1 thought on “#ATDALC2023: Reflecting on ALC Conference Orientation: Objectives, Networking, and Volunteering

  1. Pingback: #ATDALC2023: What I Learned at the ATD Leaders Conference | Tubarks - The Musings of Stan Skrabut

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