First of all, Amanda Bond rocks! I am a huge fan of what she does and how she does it. You can find out more about her work at The Ad Strategist. Last year at Social Media Marketing World, I sat in on Bond’s presentation, #SMMW18: The 3-Step Strategy to Turn Attention Into Revenue on Autopilot With Facebook Ads and was totally mesmerized. I wanted to know more. In this presentation, Bond dug in and provided more information about her system.
Bond’s strategy puts multiple ads in front of a customer in order to lead them down a funnel. There each part, you are working to warm up your audience more and more. This funnel has three major parts:
- Connect: This is where you are engaging a cold audience. In essence, you are branding your business. You want them to become aware of you and what you can do.
- Commit: This is a warm audience and you are focusing on lead generation.
- Close: This audience is hot and you are focused on closing the sale.
Throughout the process, your ads serve the additional purpose of building audiences in one of six buckets:
- Email – building your email lists.
- Pixel – pushing traffic to your website and triggering the Facebook pixel. You do have your Facebook pixel running, right?
- Facebook engagement – You want potential customers to engage with your content. This includes likes, comments, shares, etc.
- Instagram engagement – You want to also to create engagement on Instagram.
- 3 Second video views on Facebook – Video is another audience you can retarget.
- 3 Second video views on Instagram – Likewise on Instagram.
Connect Phase
In this first phase, Bond is working to warm up a cold audience. She puts three different Facebook ads in front of this audience. It is interesting that she does not have a call to action in any of them. Instead, she just works on creating engagement on her Facebook page or Instagram page. She also established authority on the topic. Finally, she talks about successes as a way to establish authority. She is focused on creating connections, build community, and starting conversations.
Commit Phase
In this phase, Bond is working to build and curate relationships. In this phase, she shared two examples: one for a 30-day challenge and the other for a webinar. In these cases, she is introducing an opportunity to check out a product. Based on the result of the first ad in this series, she will follow up with additional ads either as retargeting or as congratulations for becoming a lead. She also has ads simply to stay top of the customer’s mind.
Close Phase
In this final phase, Bond is focused on overcoming objections. In this series, there are three ads. Each one focuses on a different objection. Therefore, it is important to identify your top three objections.
These different phases stack on each other.
Bond also shared additional strategies to apply on Instagram. They are very similar to what is outlined here.
One final strategy tip that she shared that I need to work on is to track the growth of the six audience buckets. Now I need to start working on my funnel. This is going to take some thought, but I think I have some ideas.
Photo by Fancycrave.com from Pexels