Book Review: Expert Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Finding Your Message, Building a Tribe, and Changing the World

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Book Review: Expert Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Finding Your Message, Building a Tribe, and Changing the World
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This was not the first book I read by Russell Brunson. I had also read DotCom Secrets. It was a book I really enjoyed, it focused on creating funnels. I picked up this book because I like what Brunson has to share. In this book, Expert Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Finding Your Message, Building a Tribe, and Changing the World Brunson focuses on creating webinars to sell information. He provides a wealth of information that can help you from ideation to successful webinar.

I would compare Expert Secrets to Ray Edwards’ book How to Write Copy That Sells in that it provides a formula that has been tried and tested.

Brunson began by pointing out that each one of us has a skill or expertise that we can teach others. He advocated monetizing this ability. He shared that regular businesses have information they can sell, which will help customers better use products and services. Creating a webinar can help lead customers to these products or services.

Expert Secrets is 268 pages long; however, it reads much quicker. Brunson used a conversational tone to explain all of his concepts and strategies for creating the successful webinars. The book covers five sections:

  • Creating Your Mass Movement
  • Creating Belief
  • Your Moral Obligation
  • The Funnels
  • What’s Next?

Across these five sections, he has 22 chapters and a conclusion. Expert Secrets like DotCom Secrets leads to an upsell for a product purchase. Brunson used the strategies that he advocates to guide you to a product. There is no doubt the product will help you become more successful. It was interesting to observe the strategy in action. One of the products he advocated for is ClickFunnels.

Throughout the book, Brunson told stories to illustrate his concepts. He also used hand-drawn images to support the stories and add to understanding.

Brunson outlined his concepts in great detail. He walked through each part step by step. Each new part built upon the previous part. If you were to give a webinar using this strategy and followed his step-by-step approach, you would create a very impactful webinar. I know this because I have watched a number of webinars that after reading this book realized they are following his strategy. Amy Porterfield seems to draw inspiration from Brunson, which she discusses in this podcast episode: Expert Secrets & Online Strategies with Russell Brunson

Brunson has successful created a business around the strategies he teaches, the tools he uses, and the clients he has helped. Expert Secrets will show you a formula in detail on how to replicate his strategies. Naturally, you will have to tweak it for your business. Now that I have read the book, I will have to reread it as I build out a webinar in his style. There are definitely lessons to be learned that will help businesses wanting to use webinars and funnels.

Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

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