Anne at Modern Mrs. Darcy has put out her reading challenge for 2018. I have been participating in her reading challenges for the last two years and they have been extremely rewarding to me. I would like you to join me in the 2018 reading challenge. Along with the Modern Mrs. Darcy’s reading challenge, I will also set a 60 book reading goal in Goodreads. Come participate with me.
The Modern Mrs. Darcy reading challenge looks to be fun and rewarding. You are not just reading anything you want; you have a list of 12 different topics to help guide your book decisions. On the Modern Mrs. Darcy post, you can download a checklist to ensure you read every required book type to meet the challenge.
If you have been reading for a while, simply read whatever you want. Just read. Come join me on Goodreads and participate in a quantity challenge. When the new year starts, declare how many books you want to read. I am planning on declaring 60 books, you can declare as many as you want. On one of my earlier challenges, I simply put down an even dozen.
I also plan to continue my personal quest to read the Great Books of Western Civilization series. These have been challenging but quite rewarding. I am going to once again try to read at least six from this series. If you are interested in the Great Books, you can visit this site to see free editions.
I will refer back to these challenges throughout the year. Each month, I will invite you to read one or more of the books I am planning to read for the month. As I complete each book, you will see what I think about it in a book review.
When you finish a book or the series, leave a comment. I would love to see what you are reading. Enjoy the challenge! Good luck!
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