Another great week for podcasting. Darren Rowse discussed how to increase blog traffic after the holiday slowdown. Tim Ferriss shared two great podcast episodes: a Q&A session with Arnold Schwarzenegger and a discussion about interval training. Michael Stelzner and his guest shared insights about building a Facebook community. Finally, Kate Ahl focused a podcast episode on using keywords for Pinterest. I have shared these favorites with you. Enjoy!
My Favorites of the Week
Six Ways to Boost Traffic on Your Blog
In this episode, Darren Rowse shared strategies for bumping up blog traffic. He first recommended determining what is already having success using a tool called Buzzsumo and then figuring out how to repurpose content into different formats and products. He also recommended creating long posts, holding challenges, having guest posts, engaging your email list, and jumping on a bandwagon.
Arnold Schwarzenegger Part 2! Bodybuilding, Investing, and Online Battles
My appreciation for Arnold increased significantly after listening to the two podcast episodes that Tim Ferriss conducted, especially, this second episode. Arnold shared a lot of great information to include his Twitter feud with Donald Trump, his perspective on protecting the environment, and his past real estate dealings. While I do not agree with him on everything, I do think his heart is in the right place as a leader.
The One-Minute Workout Designed by Scientists — Dr. Martin Gibala
Tim Ferriss and Dr. Martin Gibala explored the concept of interval training. It seems the idea of interval training can help everyone regardless of their fitness level. It was surprising how little time was needed for interval training to have an impact. While in swimming in high school, I remember doing a lot of interval training using the Fartlek Method. While on my walks, I can implement some interval training for increased benefit.
Facebook Community Development: How to Cultivate Loyal Fans
Michael Stelzner and Holly Homer shared how to create an engaging community using Facebook tools. Holly has a Facebook fan page called Quirky Momma that has 3 million plus fans. In the interview, they chatted about building a community, using Facebook insights, using Facebook groups, and using video within Facebook. Lots of great takeaways.
While I understand the importance of keywords for increasing traffic, Kate Ahl discussed how to make this work for Pinterest. She shared why you should use keywords and how to use them with your pins and boards. I need to make some tweaks to what I am doing.
Well, I hope you enjoyed what I shared. Now, go listen to something great!