Over the past couple of days, I have experienced what you may say is the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Well, let’s start out with the bad. It is bad that I did not complete a blog post, yesterday, as I had scheduled to do so. I basically blew the challenge simply because I couldn’t get a blog post in. If you recall, I signed up for the 30-day blog post challenge. I am more than confident that I will be able to knock out 30 blog posts during this month, if not more; however, missing yesterday caused me to fail the challenge.
Which brings me to the ugly. The reason that I didn’t get a blog post done is that, during my trip to Alabama and back, I came down with this cold, flu, whatever it is and I am feeling miserable. I am still feeling miserable today, but after a good power nap, I managed to find the energy to knock out this post. It seems that every time I live in a hotel with air conditioning, and in this case, going from 50-degree weather to 84-degree weather back to 50-degree weather or in this case 26-degree weather this morning, my body does not appreciate the transition and I get sick.
Now the good. Last week prior to my trip, I sent out letters to individuals with whom I had been stationed with. I hoped to meet up with them while I was down in Alabama; unfortunately, I did not hear from them while in Alabama. However, at the end of my power nap,, I received a call from my friend Steve who is one of those friends who live in Alabama. It was great to catch up with him. We had not spoken to each other since 1984 when I left for Turkey and he left for Alabama. It was great to find out how he was doing and to reforge those connections.
So there you have it the good the bad and the ugly. how’s your day going?