I would like to preface this post by saying that I am a fan of what Sir Ken Robinson writes and talks about. I think he really understands what learning and education should be about.
Sir Ken Robinson was one of the keynote speakers for the ASTD 2013 conference. He is also the author of his recent book, Finding Your Element: How to Discover Your Talents and Passions and Transform Your Life. Robinson is a thought leader about education and learning.
Robinson began his talk by talking about the Passing Zone and pointed out they did not know what to do while in school. We all have deep talents. If we do not look for our talents, we will not find them. We need opportunities to find them. Robinson criticized schools because they run counter to learning, they do not allow people to discover their hidden talents. Many people do not think they have talent and are not pursuing their dreams. As a result, they do not really enjoy their work. However, some people love what they do. It is who they are.
Robinson said he rewrote Out of Our Minds: Learning to be Creative because the world changed. Technology had advanced rapidly, for example, the last thing you do with a phone is make a call. People are excited about digital technologies. But they are not patient, “Come on, I don’t have all minute.”
“Come on, I don’t have all minute.”
Robinson pointed out that it takes a combination of passion and aptitude to be creative. Only being good at something is not the reason to do it. Passion will take you farther than skill alone.
There is a crisis in human resources. The US spends more money on education than any other country, yet, it has the highest dropout rate. Kids walk away from school. There is not a correlation of dropping out will lead to trouble. However, more money is spent on the correction system than education.
Standardize testing sucks.
Robinson noted that sales for clinical depression drugs overtook drugs for anti-reflux. By 2020, there will be an increase in death because of depression. There is no correlation between material wealth and happiness. It is more important to be happy. We are all unique. It is a gift to be here, we should not wish it away. We create our own life. Each of our résumés is different… we earn it. Life unfolds as you live it. Different if you have passion and talent.
Life unfolds as you live it. Different if you have passion and talent.
Robinson highlighted a couple of people and projects:
- Oklahoma creativity project
- Bart Connor – Mother encouraged him to be world-class gymnast.
- Blue School
Each journey is unqiue… it is a quest. The hero’s journey.
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