How I Created a Robust Signature Block for Outlook

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How I Created a Robust Signature Block for Outlook
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During a recent social media workshop for business owners, I showed off my signature block and encouraged them to include a signature block in all their email messages. This post is to show my signature as well as explain how it was created.

My Signature Block

This is the signature block I use for all my Outlook messages. As you can see my signature block includes links to all the various social media tools that I use and encourage others to contact me through. The reason I include a signature block on all messages is that I never know when my message will travel past the intended audience and I want to ensure I can be reached. Also, I want to make it convenient for others to contact me through social media tools.

Have a great day,

Stan Skrabut
Instructional Technology Educational Specialist
University of Wyoming Extension
307-766-3722 |
Diigo email Facebook Linkedin Skype Slideshare Twitter Wordpress Youtube Google+ Pinterest lync

From left to right, the icons are Diigo, email, Facebook, LinkedIn, Skype, Slideshare, Twitter, WordPress, Youtube, Google+, Pinterest, and Lync.

To build my signature block, I had to basically create a Web page. Here is the code for that Web page.

Signature Block Code

<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=”text/html; charset=windows-1252″>
<meta name=Generator content=”Microsoft Word 14 (filtered)”>


Have a great day,

Stan Skrabut
Instructional Technology Educational Specialist
University of Wyoming Extension
307-766-3722 |
Diigo email Facebook Linkedin Skype Slideshare Twitter Wordpress Youtube Google+ Pinterest lync



Process for Creating the Signature Block

The process is fairly straightforward. You will a) create a Web page, b) open the Web page, c) copy the Web page, and d) paste the Web page as a signature in Outlook.

Step 1: Create the Web page

You are welcome to use my code above as a template for your Web page.  Please change out the images and links to serve your needs. Note: With this method, your images should be uploaded to a Web site. If you do not personally have a Web site, you can use Dropbox as a file location.

  1. Copy the code above.
  2. Open a text file.
  3. Paste code into the text file.
  4. Save the Text file as Signature.htm.
  5. Close the file.
Signature.htm File

Signature.htm File

Note the code necessary for Skype and Lync connections.

Step 2: Open the Web Page

This step is very simple, just double click on your newly created Signature.htm file, and it should open in a Web browser.

Signature File opened in Web browser

Signature File opened in Web browser


Step 3: Copy Webpage

The next step is also easy and assumes you are using a PC. You will have to use the select all and copy functions for your particular computer.

  1. Click anywhere on a blank portion of the Web page.
  2. Press <CTRL> + A to select the entire page.
  3. Press <CTRL> + C to copy the page.
Copying Signature File

Copying Signature File


Step 4:  Paste the Web page as a signature in Outlook

I am currently using Outlook 2010. The procedures for creating a signature block for your version of Outlook may be different.

  1. Open Outlook and click on New E-mail from the Home tab.
  2. Next click on the Insert tab with a new message form open.

    Click on Insert Tab

    Click on Insert Tab

  3. Click on the Signatures drop-down menu and select Signatures at the bottom of the list.

    Click on the Signatures drop down menu

    Click on the Signatures drop down menu

  4. Click on the New button.
  5. Enter a name for your signature and click the OK button.
  6. Paste your signature into the block provided with <CTRL> + V and click on the OK button.

    Final signature

    Final signature

Note: You can also set the default signature for new messages and replies and forwards.

Another way you can create a signature block

Here is another method for creating a signature block.  Because I am familiar with HTML, I have found my method to be easy for me.