Just finished putting the finishing touches on a learning guide; this one is on Moodle, an open-source learning management system. Recently, we have had increased interest within University of Wyoming Extension to use Moodle to develop elearning courses. A couple of weeks ago, I gave a workshop to some 4-H educators on Moodle. Next week, I will be giving two additional workshops.
This learning guide provides links to great resources that would help a new user get started. As you would expect, there are links to beginner guides, tutorials on various tasks, and video tutorials that will walk you through key steps for making great courses. Additionally, there are links discussing how to design aesthetically pleasing courses, how to use Moodle for business, and how to use Moodle for education. There are also links to specific tasks such as file management, glossaries, incorporating videos, using repositories, and how to control for the ‘scroll of death’.
This should be a useful guide to get the most novice course creator up to speed as fast as possible. If there is something you believe should be in this guide that is not there, please let me know.
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nice article, happy to find a moodle blogger 🙂
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